Our family

Our family
Christmas 2010

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Funnies from Ethan

On Mother's Day I was playing Mario Kart on our Wii...and as I was driving through the mall parking lot, I saw Dave's Mii and I kept running into his car. So I, without thinking, said "Dammit Dave" and Ethan turned around, looked at the TV and started "dammit Dabe, dammit Dabe" Oops! It was hard not to laugh.

Today, I was in a client meeting when my phone rang. It was Kindercare. I stepped out of the room and I hear "Hi Lori, this is Ms. Colleen. Ethan has something to tell you." At this point, the thoughts of someone being hurt/sick were gone, but then I went to worried thinking about how he had come home with two incidents recently of biting and now they are making him call me to tell me. Ethan gets on the phone and says "Mama. Potty" Apparently he'd used the potty! Ms. Colleen came back on and said they call the parents after the first time the kids use the potty for the first time. I was so excited and yet a little apprehensive to be talking on the phone in the middle of all the Target offices and saying "Great Job using the Potty!"

Not to be out down by his brother Aidan is soooo on the verge of walking! He's pushing our shopping cart all over and our Elmo walk-behind toy. He's even taken a couple steps between Jay & I.

Maybe Grandpa & Grandma will get Ethan potty trained & Aidan walking while we're on vacation!

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