This morning the boys were so good while we were getting ready for school. It's amazing some mornings how good they can be and how disasterous the mornings can start on other days! Luckily this was a good day (even with a few mishaps). Ethan's so cute when you try to wake him up he says "No No Mama. Nigh-Night" But if he'll let you get him dressed without complaints, you know you're sitting pretty. Waking up Aidan can be scary too, but for the most part if Ethan's in a good mood, Aidan will follow suit. Today he was more interested in Ethan's Tiggy (one of Ethan's most prized possessions) and Ethan didn't even seem to mind. Tiggy became a good distraction to getting Aidan dressed. Once we got to school, Aidan turned on his personality though. Just sitting in the high chair looking cute and innocent and next thing you know he's pulling pictures off the wall. His teacher thinks he's going to be the bully and need "time outs". We've always thought that he would be bruiser...time will tell I guess. I hope not, but so far he hasn't been the smiley, attention grabbing, emotional (sometimes over-emotional) one like Ethan. Ethan got hugs all around from his buddies Dezarion & Mercedes when he arrived in his classroom and then strutted around the room like he owned it. Quite the character he is! It was a great start to the day and I sure wish there were more mornings like this....but I'll enjoy the thought of this one for awhile.
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